Advanced Devices for Energy Conversion
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ADEC lab stories
[Wiley Hot Topics] Wiley Hot Topics 선정
"High Efficiency (>10%) Colloidal Nanocry….
[헤럴드 경제] “낮은 효율·밝기 해결” KAIST, 진청색 페로브스카이트 LED 개발
Seungho Pi, Seyun Lee, and Minju Choi join our ADE…
ADEC lab works
Zhilong He†, Hongxiao Duan†, Jianmin Zeng†, Jie Zh…Perovskite retinomorphic image sensor for embodied…
Byeongsu Kim, Sang Yeon Lee, Hyunseok Ko, Jihyung …Ultrahigh-gain colloidal quantum dot infrared aval…
Jin-Woo Lee, Eun Sung Oh, Seungbok Lee, Tan Ngoc-L…Strain-induced power output enhancement in intrins…
Jihyung Lee†, Cheng Sun†, Junho Park†, Changjo Kim…High Efficiency (>10%) AgBiS2 Colloidal Nanocrysta…
Seungbok Lee†, Sungjun Oh†, Seungseok Han†, Dongch…Advancing High-Efficiency, Stretchable Organic Sol…
Min-Ho Lee†, Min Seok Kim†, Yu Jin Lee, Byeongsu K…Suppressing Hole Accumulation Through sub-nanomete…
Yeonsik Choi†, Bongkwon Son†, Qimiao Chen, Kunze L…Wafer-scale growth of 2D SnSx hybrid films on germ…
Dong-Jun Kim, Bongjun Choi, Yeonjee Jeon, and Jung…Facile Synthesis Route for Halide Perovskite Nanop…
Chao Chen, Zhe Yu*, Ying Tian, Fenglong Li, Zh…Transmembrane Inspired Mechano-Responsive Elastome…
Yoori Sung†, Wonseok Lee†, Haechang Lee, Jin-Woo L…Nanostructured Molecular Packing of Polymer Films …
Seungjae Lee†, Junho Kim†, Hyojun Kim, Changwon Ki…Brightening deep-blue perovskite light-emitting di…
Jin-Woo Lee†, Trieu Hoang-Quan Nguyen†, Eun Sung O…Establishing Co-Continuous Network of Conjugated P…
Fenglong Li, Zhengyang Kong, Xiaolin Wang, Guyue W…A bio-based, sweat-resistant and markedly sensitiv…
Jin-Woo Lee†, Cheng Sun†, Seungbok Lee, Dong Jun K…High-Performance Intrinsically Stretchable Organic…
Zhengyang Kong†, Elvis K. Boahen†, Dong Jun Kim, F…Ultrafast underwater self-healing piezo-ionic elas…